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Basic Acoustic Room treatment

I've recently had a few enquiries about basic room treatment as I'd noticed some clients had rather coloured vocal sound that was the result of early reflections from an untreated recording space. Most artists today favour condensor microphones because of their flattering detail and sensitivity. The downside of these mics is that they also can pick up the sound bouncing around the space you are recording in which can sometimes effect the colour and quality of the signal in an undesirable way which is difficult (or impossible) to improve at the mixing stage. To hear whether your recording can be improved doesn’t have to involve expensive professional treatments initially and can be effectively dealt with by just hanging a few thick duvets or blankets around mic of choice. The result could be a tighter sound that is more representative of your voice without the unwanted coloration of bad sounding room. Another consideration is a different type of microphone, the dynamic mic is not often the best option but a high quality model such as the Shure SM7 or the Sennheiser MD441 can offer great performance and a lot less room interference. The only downside is that you would need a decent pre amp with a lot of gain ( a pre amp of round 70db of gain would be desirable for these). There are more permanent fixes available commercially of course and a good start would be a reflection filter that helps to cut down any rear reflection return from coming back to the mic. There of course acoustic foam tiles that could be glues to the walls at their most reflective points. A good bit of experimentation would be advised here first if your new to this as once you’ve glued them then they do leave a bit of a mark on the walls.

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